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Legislative Office Resources

Legislative Office Resources

Constituent/Information Requests from Elected Officials

Please submit questions, requests, and constituent inquiries through our Elected Official Portal. This information will be reviewed and responded to in a timely manner. For constituent issues, the constituent may be contacted, and any resolution will be communicated back to the requesting office.

DMAS respects the privacy of all citizens and follows all laws and regulations required by the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA). Some information may not be able to be shared with the requesting office without the proper privacy waiver.

Medicaid Data by Congressional and Legislative Districts

Access enrollment data for each Virginia State House and Senate District along with each Congressional House District and overall Statewide information.

Virginia Medicaid Initiatives and Program Information

Please find below a set of one-page documents to educate your office on key Medicaid initiatives and programs.

  • Medicaid 101: Overview of Virginia's Medicaid program, state and federal requirements, and how state and federal funds are handled.
  • Project BRAVO: An interagency partnership effort between the Department of Medical Assistance Services (DMAS) and the Department of Behavioral Health and Developmental Services (DBHDS) that strives for systems alignment in developing an evidence-based, trauma-informed and prevention-oriented array of services for the Medicaid-funded behavioral health system.
  • Return to Normal Enrollment: In March 2020, the federal government initiated protections preventing Medicaid members from losing their health coverage due to changes in circumstance. That protection is coming to an end, and it's now time to return to normal operations. Starting in March 2023, DMAS will have 12 months to redetermine eligibility for all 2.2 million Virginians enrolled in Medicaid.

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